Local Result Marketing

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Do you have an image carousel on your website?

If you have an image carousel on your website I recommend that you remove it or at the very least think seriously  about removing it.

If you don't know what an image carousel is, it's the part of the web page that you see on so many websites that offers rotating images. They look pretty.

So what's your problem with these?

My problem is that I believe websites exist for the purpose of creating conversions. Leads. Sales. Phone calls. Image carousels do not create a conversions. Testing shows that image carousels offer lower conversions than without.

I'm talking about the science of usability. That is the continuous testing of different aspects of a website or products in order to achieve the most usable function. Most websites that I deal with have a website that requires two functions. First is to provide a quick and easy method of getting in touch with the business and second is to provide a sense of professionalism and security that one would gain by doing business with a company that has a nice looking website.

For example, if you have a restaurant website what do you want to have happen? Maybe have someone call. Get directions. Show the menu and not a whole lot more. You not going to be competing on a national level with search engine optimization so my point is get to  the point quickly and effectively for your customers. Show them the information they need and want with as few distractions as possible. Image carousels maybe great for photographers but I don't think it fits the bill for most businesses.

So here's what I want you to do. Think about what your customer wants to see when they arrive at your website. Provide them that information succinctly and beautifully. I think you'll find that in most cases and image carousel does not fit with that goal.