Local Result Marketing

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Restaurants and bars are the indicators of the future...

[00:00:00] It's a beautiful day and I'm just up for a walk and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share. So here's the deal. You know everybody's looking to make more money bring in more customers make the business look more professional. Restaurants bars real public facing companies like that. Those are the ones that are indicators of the future. Right. Those are the ones that are most people are searching for get the highest views on a regular basis. So when you have other smaller service business that's not going to get the same reviews that a pizza place and is going to get. That's not going to get the same you know traffic a pizza place is going to get. But it is the one that Google is going to cater to that Yelps going to cater to that everybody is going to cater to. From a perspective of you know the digital the Digital Media place. So when you were looking to boost your business and bring in more areas the people that are going to be the ones to emulate are going to be the restaurants they're going to be the pizza places they're going to be the bars they're going to be the night clubs or the the places that more people look up. [1:10.0]

[00:01:11] So when somebody is looking for your you know you as an attorney when somebody is looking for a doctor when somebody is looking for somebody to clean their carpets or a plumber or whatever it is what you need to do is you need to have all of your digital places claimed you have them cleaned up branded properly you have to have everything moving in the right direction. And you also have to have good quality reviews. You know I've I'm a little partial because this is what I do for a living. But one of the things that I really think is you know particular the just review generation are the local customer reviews is fantastic and the local result marketing just from a full fledged perspective social media you name it we can take care of everything. But look up restaurants just google restaurants in your area restaurants Green Bay restaurants Madison Milwaukee Chicago you name it. Look up restaurants. That's what the future is going to be. That's what the future is there for them. That's what the future is for you. And that's what you need to do if you really want to stand up from your competition. Oh and the other thing this is the most important is that nobody else is really doing it if they are they're doing a pretty poorly. So most of you business owners have a real opportunity to leapfrog anybody else and just go out and kill them. It's quite an amazing opportunity so I hope to hear from you because I'd love to do it and if you if you're not going to work with me do it yourself. And you know what if you want to step up the level of professionalism all you know how to get in touch me. Thanks. [1:33.8]
